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Protein s100, achat steroids allemagne clenbuterol kaufen

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Protein s100

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Protein s100

S100 family members function as intracellular Ca 2+ sensors and extracellular factors. S100 proteins are localized in the cytoplasm and/or nucleus of a wide range of cells, and involved in the regulation of a number of cellular processes such as cell cycle progression and differentiation. The name “S100” derives from the original isolation procedure and refers to the protein's solubility in a saturated (100%) ammonium sulfate solution of bovine brain. S100A8 and S100A9 (also known as MRP8 and MRP14, respectively) are Ca2+ binding proteins belonging to the S100 family. S100A8/A9 is constitutively expressed in neutrophils and monocytes as a Ca2+ sensor, participating in cytoskeleton rearrangement and arachidonic acid metabolism. S100 proteins are small, acidic proteins that are mostly in the form of homo-, or hetero-dimers but can also form tetramers and hexamers [46, 47].

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